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DOL’s Retirement Income Initiative - DC Plan Lifetime Income Products

  • Thursday, February 18, 2016
  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM (PST)
  • Andrei’s Restaurant, 2607 Main St, Irvine, CA 92614
  • 4


  • Early Bird pricing
  • Early Bird pricing

Registration is closed

DOL’s Retirement Income Initiative

DC Plan Lifetime Income Products

 The Presentation:

The DOL and Treasury are enabling (perhaps pushing?) the conversion of defined contribution plan accounts to lifetime income arrangements. Wally Lloyd is a expert on alternatives to lump sum distributions from individual account plans. 

He will demystify DOL and Treasury guidance on participant information about lifetime income options, including QLACs and other annuity options.

About our Speaker:

Waldan Lloyd, JD, Shareholder, Callister, Nebeker, & McCullough

Listed in the 2016 edition of Best Lawyers in America® Waldan Lloyd’s expertise includes all forms of retirement plans, as well as VEBAs, welfare benefit programs, cafeteria plans, and COBRA compliance. Clients' plans range in size from single participant plans to those covering tens of thousands of employees.

 Walden also provides consulting on ERISA compliance matters, fiduciary breaches, violations of ERISA; employee benefit claims; plan mergers and spin-offs; leveraged ESOP buy-outs; prohibited transaction exemptions, IRS plan audits, DOL investigations and PBGC audits of plan terminations.

Who should attend this program?

Financial Advisors who want to gain expertise on existing and proposed annuitized distribution alternatives and products.

Plan Fiduciaries who want to understand annuitization alternatives and issues involved in whethger to adopt such a program and if so, how to select an appropriate product.

Plan Auditors who want to know how the annuitization products work and how they might impact plan audits.

Service Providers, including consultants, ERISA attorneys and third party administrators who want to gain more knowledge about the annuitization alternatives.

All Benefits Professionals who are interested in participating in a high-quality educational forum and want to benefit from the knowledge and experience of other benefits professionals in the Orange County benefits community.

Continuing Education:
1 CE for ASPPA certifications
1 CEC for NIPA certifications
1 CPE for CEBS
1.5 hours MCLE for California attorneys
1.5 hours for California CPAs
1.5 hours for Certified Financial Planners
1 hour for ERPA and Enrolled Agents

 Doors open at 7:30 a.m. for check-in, breakfast and networking.  Our program will begin at 8:00 a.m. and this program will end at approximately 9:30 a.m.  The registration fee includes a full breakfast buffet and hosted valet parking.

The reservation deadline for this event is Thursday, February 11, 2016

WP&BC Members can bring a guest for free!  This is a wonderful opportunity to introduce your peers and colleagues to our Chapter.  Remember, your guest should be a first-time visitor and potential member.   Look for the free guest offer when you register online

The statements and materials presented at WP&BC Orange County Chapter events are solely the opinions of the speakers and do not represent the opinions or positions of WP&BC Orange County Chapter. In addition, WP&BC Orange County Chapter assumes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the statements and materials presented by speakers at WP&BC Orange County Chapter events.

Please feel free to reach out to WP&BC with any questions.

Direct Questions To:

Christine Stewart,
Chapter Administrator


(949) 407-9128


Orange County Chapter
PO Box 6111
Garden Grove, CA 92846

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